‘Desperate Housewives’ actress Felicity Huffman was in federal court on Friday for her part in the college bribery case.

The federal judge has ordered Huffman to serve only 14-days in prison and ordered her to pay a $30,000 fine. He threw in 250 hours of community service along with supervised release, but many don’t feel that’s enough.

The fact that Huffman seems to think that there were no victims in this crime is enough for me to give her at least a month in jail. The victims were the other students who didn’t get extra time for the test and corrected answers. Her daughter was also a victim because she wasn’t allowed the learning experience of succeeding or failing on her own. The $15,000 Huffman spent could have been used for tutors. Also, if her daughter is special needs, the college board makes special accommodations, and she would have gotten extra time anyway.

Actor Felicity Huffman was sentenced to 14 days in prison on Friday for her involvement in the notorious elite college admissions bribery scandal.

“I am deeply ashamed of what I have done,” Huffman said in tears in court ahead of her sentencing by U.S. District Judge Indira Talwani. “I take full responsibility for my actions … I am prepared to accept whatever sentence you deem fit.”

As part of her sentence, Huffman will also have to pay a $30,000 fine, have supervised release for one year and do 250 hours of community service.

Huffman was the first parent to be sentenced in the college admissions scam, and had husband and actor William H. Macy with her in court. Prosecutors had previously recommended a one-month jail sentence for Huffman, plus a $20,000 fine and one year’s probation.

I am disappointed that this scandal has not genuinely led to a broader discussion of how much easier it is for connected rich kids to get into elite colleges. The elite colleges show a great deal of preference for students who have graduated from elite private high schools in major cities and fancy boarding schools.

They also show a tremendous preference for student-athletes, even those involved in obscure sports. The parents of many of these students paid for them to play by hiring expensive coaches and sending them to special summer camps.

While these practices are legal, they still rob more academically deserving students of the opportunity to attend an elite college.

I think they should prosecute these “celebrities” to the fullest extent of the law. They shouldn’t be allowed to buy themselves out of anything. “You play, you pay.” And, they all knew they were doing wrong; no need in them trying to say they didn’t. I don’t think they should get any considerations as to their “status” in life.

I applaud Huffman for coming forward and giving a heartfelt apology. However, it’s time for the hard part. It’s time to pay for your actions.