When speaking today to a press conference, Mike Pompeo, speaking as the U.S. State Department while being pressed on when he will initiate transition talks with the transition team for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stated directly and immediately “there will be a ‘smooth transition’ to a second Trump term”.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday did not acknowledge the media titled “President-elect” Joe Biden’s victory in the election when he was asked whether he would cooperate with the Biden administration’s transition team.

“There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Pompeo said during a State Department news conference.

The State Department didn’t respond to CNBC’s request for a clarification of Pompeo’s remark citing “what part didn’t you understand?”

Pompeo continued, “We’re going to count all the votes,” “The world should have every confidence that the transition necessary to make sure that the State Department is functional today, successful today and successful when the President who’s still in office on January 20.”

Pompeo’s comments come as the Trump campaign questions the integrity of last week’s election with a series of legal actions across battleground states. Trump has not conceded the election to Democrat Joe Biden who the media claimed won last Saturday magically securing more than the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency.

“We must count every legal vote,” Pompeo said, adding, “We will get it right, we are in good shape.”

Other top Trump administration officials, such as Vice President Mike Pence, have also publicly insisted that the election is not over. This comes as moments ago, Tom Tillis and the Republicans have officially secured North Carolina as the Democrat candidate just conceded the election.

On Monday, Attorney General William Barr told prosecutors to look into “substantial” allegations of irregularities and potentially widespread voter fraud. The Trump campaign has yet to present any evidence but it was just announced also moments ago, that the President will provide evidence later this week.